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RRS/Special Regs
Racing Rules of Sailing / Special Regulations
Racing Rules of Sailing
Australian Sailing has ceased producing the "Blue Book" in hard copy and replaced it with a digital version. Please find the online Blue Book here.
Special Regulations
The sport of sailing in Australia has a strong reputation for self-management of safety. An important tool for this is the Special Regulations, whose purpose is to establish uniform minimum equipment, accommodation and training standards for racing boats.
Special Regulations do not replace, but rather supplement the requirements of government authorities, the Racing Rules of Sailing and the rules of class associations and rating systems.
A PDF copy of the Special Regulations in effect until 30 June 2022 may be downloaded here.
Owners should be aware of the following additions to the Special Regulations that apply under the CYCA General Conditions of Racing.
Special Regulation 3.25.1(c): All boats entered in a BWPS race shall carry a satellite phone on board. The satellite phone shall have a voice and data plan for coverage for the duration of the race and have the ability to be connected to main power or have a spare charged battery.
Special Regulations 4.09(b): All boats entered in a BWPS race shall carry an AIS Transponder that shall be switched on, such that it is receiving and transmitting. The failure of any station to receive a signal from a boat’s AIS Transponder shall not be subject to protest or grounds for redress (amends RRS 60.1 and 62.1(a) and RRS 63.1 shall not apply).
Special Regulation 4.26: All boats shall demonstrate equipment or method by which crew may be assisted on board. For BWPS AIS personal man overboard beacons (AIS MOB) for all crew boats are recommended for all fully crewed boats and and are mandatory for a boat entered in the Two-Handed Pointscore or a Two-Handed Division of the BWPS. When carried, numbers shall be provided in the AIS MOB Declaration supplied by the Organising Authority.
Special Regulation 5.01.1(h): A lifejacket shall be worn by each member of the crew at
times such as, but not limited to:
(i) Between the hours of sunset and sunrise
(ii) When alone on deck
(iii) When the true wind speed is 25 knots or above
(iv) When visibility is less than 1 nautical mile.
Special Regulation 5.01.6: Each inflatable PFD type 1 shall be checked and serviced at the intervals as prescribed by the manufacturer by an authorised servicing agent and documented evidence be submitted as part of the documents required for race entry to the CYCA Sailing Office.
A boat entered in the Two-Handed Division of the BWPS shall be fitted with an autopilot.